Ninarello trained at the Rotterdam Dance Academy and dances with internationally renowned choreographers (Bruno Listopad, Virgilio Sieni and Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui...). His choreographic language is articulated in
a constant search for movement that focuses on the ‘living body’ as a place of mediation.
Since 2007 he has been presenting his creations in various national and international festivals. In 2013 he founded the CodedUomo Association to disseminate and promote his research work in Italy and
abroad. Kudoku, realised together with musician Dan Kinzelman, debuted at the Biennale Danza10 (Venice), and is among the projects selected for AEROWAVES TWENTY17, NID Platform and the Rencontres
Chorégraphiques Seine-Saint-Denis France. STILL, a 2017 production, won the 2016 Prospettiva Danza Prize. In 2019, she debuts with PASTORALE, selected for the Residance XL action of the Network
Antibodies, at the Lavanderia a Vapore. During Pandemic she starts work on NOBODY NOBODY NOBODY. It's OK
not to be OK, a danced discourse that investigates the memories and traces left on the body by the culture of control, violence and offence. The work debuts at MART in Rovereto during the Oriente Occidente 2021 festival.